Friday, January 3, 2014

Part 1

I've heard it all.  "You are going through some tough times right now, but you will get through it".  "You will meet someone special very soon".  "You will be wealthier and happier".  Some psychics will even contradict one another, and both will still be wrong.  But what about those extremely rare occurrences when a psychic is dead on correct?  From what I've experienced and have witnessed, even the most renowned psychics are only a fraction of the time, correct.  But is this enough to warrant a payment?  Most would say no, but there those that would declare, an absolute yes.  These psychics use their "intuition" to make predictions.  Everyone has "intuition", but apparently, some has more than others.  But what about "Remote Viewing"?  Remote Viewing is a skill that is learned, but strangely enough, some are naturally better than others.  Personally, I have much more faith in a "Professional Remote Viewer" than a "Psychic", because "percentages" don't lie.